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Photos by Michael Rosenthal/NJ Transit  ·  Posted September 9, 2003

New Jersey Transit Artwork
Secaucus Junction

Frank R. Lautenberg Rail Station

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Secaucus Junction:  Taken from the New County Road Bridge, this picture overlooks the Main Line tracks that lead to the station (background).  The NJ Turnpike is shown in the foreground.

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Secaucus NEC West:  This picture was taken from the center platform on the Northeast Corridor platform.

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Cattails in Atrium:  The 30 foot cattail sculpture is the centerpiece of the station's rotunda.  Cork Marcheschi of San Francisco CA, made the art predominately from aluminum, stainless steel and titanium.

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Carnet V at Secaucus NEC 1:  A NJ Transit train travels through the station on the Northeast Corridor.

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These large murals of artist Valeri Larko of Summit NJ hang in the station's North Mezzanine. 
The work depicts railroad bridges and their environment.
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Secaucus S Facade:  On the southern portion of the station, an escalator and stairs lead down to the Main Line Platform.

Artwork at Secaucus Transfer Station

Artist: Cork Marchesci, San Francisco, CA
Commission: $450,000

Cork created a 30-foot cattail sculpture in the Rotunda. The art is made predominately from aluminum, stainless steel and titanium. The leaf inserts are made of diachronic glass; bulbous parts of the cattails are blown glass lit with neon and ambient light. The glass cattails are filled with three different color neon tubes. The colors used are based on the natural colors found in the surrounding marshlands and the sky. In designing the sculpture, Cork wanted to give the sense that an industrial flower had sprouted through the center of the atrium floor.


Artist: Tim Daly of Hoboken, NJ
Commission: $150,000

Tim created 32 individual acrylic painted murals with views of and from several NJ Transit lines connected by the transfer station. The images include station clocks, the catenary systems, rails and bridges, as well as views from trains in places like Raritan Bay, Jersey City, Boonton, Newark and Ramsey. The imagery looks like a photograph. Tim’s murals will hang in the South Mezzanine.


Artist: Mac Adams of Montclair, NJ
Commission: $150,000

Mac created two large (30-feet by 6-feet) mosaics that reflect the winter and summer. A wetland mosaic with water lilies and pods hangs on the South Mezzanine escalator wall; a winter scene of a frozen wetland with trees hangs on the North Mezzanine escalator wall.

Artist: Stacey Farley of Peekskill, NY
Commission: $100,000

Stacey created three large tile murals for the north and south station platform area. Stacey’s murals (each 6-feet by 12-feet-5) depict the history of transportation and how it evolved. The murals entitled "Iron Horses" are meant to capture the spirit of the times at the turn of the century when railroads were in its heyday. Her imagery provides text throughout, giving you the history of the time and the place during 1815-1915. Next to Stacey’s murals you will find text completed in tile, describing the context of the mural.

Artist: Valeri Larko of Summit, NY
Commission: $75,000

Valeri created four large murals depicting railroad bridges and their environment. Two murals are 5-feet-5 by 27-feet-6 and two are 5-feet-5 by 6-feet-8. Bridges have tremendous visual impact. They create strong, colorful compositions that will appeal to a large audience. Bridges are also potent symbols of transition over still waters. The murals will hang in the North Mezzanine.

Source: NJ Transit





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