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Photos by Fritz Rethage  --   Posted July 20, 2004

7th Annual Teterboro 5k Run
  Teterboro 5K Run Official Web-site
Race Direction by Mark Zenobia  ·  Post card results by Compuscore
ChampionChip Scoring   ·   On line Registeration by

7th Annual Teterboro 5K Run, Saturday July 17, 2004 at 8:30 a.m.
2004 [Story][Race Preparations][Big photos of start][Post Race]
Mpeg Movies @1 meg [Start 1][Start 2]    @500k[Finish 1][Finish 2][Finish 3][Finish 4]
@500k [Kid's 1][Kid's 2][Kid's 3][Kid's 4]

On your mark .. get set ... go!

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[Large photos of race start]
Mpeg Movies @1 meg [Start 1][Start 2]

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(l-r) Cathleen Tedesco and Corre Meyer

Some of the first runners to cross the finish line
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Mpeg 500k movie Finish 4

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6th Annual Teterboro 5k Run - 2003
[The run] [Race preparation] [Big photo of line up] [Kid's "Mini-flyer Dashes]
Mpeg Movies [Race Start -1.3 meg] [Runners finishing #1 -1 meg][Runners finishing #2 -1 meg]

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·  Photo Features  ·
George Washington Bridge
Paterson Great Falls [General Photos][Background info][Hydroelectric plant]
Secaucus Junction
Grand Opening  [Index]
Mail Factory Migrates To Teterboro [ Sneak preview][Ribbon cutting]
"The Wright Stuff"100 Years of Aviation [Index]

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