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Photo by Fritz Rethage  © All rights reserved.

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(l-r) Barbara Briccola, Susan Panos, Paul Engl, Rudy F. Steinthal, Moonachie Mayor Fredrick J. Dressel, Hasbrouck Heights Mayor Ronald R. Jones, John Jacoby and Betsy Wines.

Good Neighbor Noise Abatement Awards

A Good Neighbor Noise Abatement Awards Luncheon followed the Teterboro Airport Noise Symposium on May 17, 2006. Awards were presented to four operators.

Eligibility to receive Good Neighbor Awards are for Helicopter, Jet, and Turbo-Prop operators that are either based at Teterboro Airport, or have one hundred or more movements during the award year.

In addition, an operator must not have any movements during the applicable voluntary restraint periods and must not exceed applicable noise limits.

The voluntary restraint periods are from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. for older Stage 2 certificated aircraft, and Midnight to 6:00 a.m. for newer Stage III certificated aircraft.

Noise limits are:

• Runway 24: Not to exceed 80 decibels between 10: p.m. and 7 a.m., and not to exceed 90 decibels at all other times.

• All other Runways not to exceed 95 decibels all hours of the day.

The recipients this year for successfully meeting the Aircraft Friendly Criterion Throughout 2005 Awards, which were presented by the Honorable Fredrick J. Dressel, Mayor -- the Borough of Moonachie were: Adelphia Flight Department, Easton Flying Partners, LLC, Hawkaire and Textron, Inc.

The Honorable Ronald R. Jones, Mayor -- the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights -- presented the following awards:

• for Having the Lowest Average Sound Level for a Jet Airplane for the Year 2005 to Easton Flying Partners, LLC

• for Having the Lowest Average Jet Fleet Sound Level for the Year 2005 to Hawkaire.

For additional information contact Rudy F. Steinthal, Manager of Noise Abatement at 201-393-0399. ###

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Rudy F. Steinthal, Manager of Noise Abatement

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