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The Record, Friday, October 20, 2000

Your Views

On Teterboro and aircraft noise

By Paul Jansen, West Milford, Oct. 2000

Regarding usage of Teterboro Airport:

Again, I can’t believe it. The same old complaints, coming seemingly from the same folks: too noisy, too many flights in and out at all hours.

I am a professional pilot who flies one of those larger jets and have been flying out of Teterboro for about 10 years. When I first flew into Teterboro, I was introduced to the noise issue and learned to fly my craft so as to minimize noise. I would delay extending landing gear and flaps until they were required for safe operation of the aircraft. Any further delay would have exposed us to a potential crash, and we didn’t want that.

But to listen to folks who think that we are out there to create more and more noise is ludicrous. We fly these aircraft in a way that the manufacturer has tested and been certified to produce the minimum noise levels possible. We do everything we can to keep the noise down. The newer aircraft are designed to be quieter than ever before. Manufacturers are tying to help on many fronts. Do these people think we are out to get them?

I will continue to be courteous regardless of those who would say bad things about us.


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